Mental Health

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Mental Health Resources

The Pulse of the Purchaser study gauges concerns and approaches of employers to address the workforce environment; whole person health, equity, women’s health, mental health and obesity management; fiduciary perspectives; pharmaceutical […]

Today, more employers report investing in employee mental health, demonstrating financial returns when a thoughtful, effective mental health strategy closes access gaps and improves outcomes for employees.

Removing disparities between physical and mental health benefits requires continuous multi-stakeholder collaboration to drive actions and accountability to close gaps in care. Learn how employers and other healthcare purchasers can […]

The Pulse of the Purchaser study gauges concerns and approaches of employers to address the workforce environment; whole person health, equity, women’s health, mental health and obesity management; fiduciary perspectives; pharmaceutical […]

Since the pandemic, mental health has never been more front and center for employer health, healthcare, and benefits strategies.  This webinar focuses on proposed rules and additional guidance on compliance […]

Action-oriented recommendations for coalitions, employers and other plan sponsors, and healthcare and benefits professionals.

Coalitions In Action

Membership in the National Alliance is a catalyst for state and regional coalitions and their employer/purchaser members to advance key initiatives. Together, they leverage their collective influence to drive health, equity and value.

A healthy workforce is the foundation for thriving organizations and healthier communities. We have the power to make workplaces the engines for mental health and wellbeing.
Vivek Murthy, MD
U.S. Surgeon General

Workplace Mental Health

Integrating Care to Advance Whole Person Health

The mental health of employees has a direct impact on healthcare costs and, with coexisting chronic conditions, employers need to adopt the best strategies to ensure access, quality and affordability. 

In addition to being a founding member of The Path Forward for Mental Health and Substance Use, the National Alliance, coalitions, employers, and other mental health advocates are working together to address MH/SU challenges and issues at the national level.