Delivery and Payment Reform
Key national initiatives to help drive momentum in healthcare delivery and payment reform include hospital fair price, medical and pharmacy drug management, high-cost claims, advanced primary care, and The Path Forward for Mental Health and Substance Use.
Delivery and Payment Reform Resources
In this video, we explore how new data transparency highlights the crucial role hospital prices play in escalating healthcare spending, and why policy change, not reliance on health systems and […]
The National Alliance is continuously exploring how misalignment between employer needs and PBM service provider value propositions have affected employers and other and plan sponsors. There is growing risk for […]
- Final Report
High-cost claims have emerged as one of the most significant financial threats to employer-sponsored healthcare. This resource and the National Alliance High-Cost Claims Initiative assists employers/plan sponsors in managing the […]
- Vendor Engagement Template
As the pharmacy benefit management industry undergoes the most significant transformation in decades, employers are at the forefront of driving change. This vendor engagement template equips them with information to […]
The Pulse of the Purchaser study gauges concerns and approaches of employers to address the workforce environment; whole person health, equity, women’s health, mental health and obesity management; fiduciary perspectives; pharmaceutical […]
This two-part Action Brief series (see links, below) covers the basics of the fast-growing field of life-changing, life-saving — and costly — cell and gene therapies (CGTs). Learn to navigate […]
Coalitions In Action
Membership in the National Alliance is a catalyst for state and regional coalitions and their employer/purchaser members to advance key initiatives. Together, they leverage their collective influence to drive health, equity and value.

The Alliance
Reference-Based Contracting by The Alliance® uses Medicare as a benchmark for fair pricing instead of focusing on a discount off billed charges. Its bargaining power and employer-ownership model help negotiate better prices than large PPOs. On average, Wisconsin healthcare payers pay 307% of Medicare; The Alliance contracts at 175-275%.
Delivery and Payment Reform
Advancing Value-based Care
The US healthcare system has a longstanding reputation for high costs, poor health outcomes (compared to other developed nations that spend much less), inequities, waste, and inefficiency. The National Alliance Delivery and Payment Reform Committee is continuously pursuing opportunities to improve care, patient experience, and outcomes while lowering costs.