Driving Market Change


Empower purchasers with and through coalitions to enable effective and scalable solutions that improve access to affordable, high-quality, equitable care.

Our vision for success

More employers and purchasers are contracting with unconflicted, transparent industry partners that deliver high value and equitable outcomes.

Coalition affiliated employers and purchasers are experiencing a lower cost trend to the national average.

Affiliated employers and purchasers can confidently demonstrate that they are prudent fiduciaries.

The market is reacting: Moving toward fair prices, greater transparency, and value-based models.

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Strategies to achieve our vision

Align around our vision

The National Alliance community aligns around a vision for what we want healthcare delivery and financing to
look like. We have buy-in across our membership and our vision is understood by outside partners.

Own market standards

The National Alliance and its coalitions develop and disseminate best practices for contracting and accountability to drive mission-aligned market change.

Elevate solutions

The National Alliance rapidly elevates and promotes solutions created across the coalition community to markets across the country.

Create strategic partnerships

The National Alliance identifies and partners with with industry influencers that are aligned with our mission and vision.

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Related News & Resources

Coalitions In Action

Membership in the National Alliance is a catalyst for state and regional coalitions and their employer/purchaser members to advance key initiatives. Together, they leverage their collective influence to drive health, equity and value.

Strategic Framework Initiatives

The framework contemplates 3–5 strategic initiatives under each imperative. These initiatives are meant to provide member coalitions, staff, and partners a clear indication of the organization’s intentions but will remain flexible and may change as needs shift and opportunities arise.

Elevating the Purchaser Voice

Strengthening the Coalition Movement