Whole Person Health

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Whole Person Health Resources

The Pulse of the Purchaser study gauges concerns and approaches of employers to address the workforce environment; whole person health, equity, women’s health, mental health and obesity management; fiduciary perspectives; pharmaceutical […]

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is the most common health condition confronting 48% of US adults. Even though the US workforce is younger on average than the overall […]

Today, more employers report investing in employee mental health, demonstrating financial returns when a thoughtful, effective mental health strategy closes access gaps and improves outcomes for employees.

The private sector is bringing new expertise and momentum to an effort once thought impossible—the end of the HIV epidemic in the U.S. It’s going to take leaders across business […]

Removing disparities between physical and mental health benefits requires continuous multi-stakeholder collaboration to drive actions and accountability to close gaps in care. Learn how employers and other healthcare purchasers can […]

Even with significant efforts to improve care, medical errors in hospitals that harm patients still occur at alarming rates, causing substantial avoidable financial and human costs. Improving patient- and family-centered […]

Coalitions In Action

Membership in the National Alliance is a catalyst for state and regional coalitions and their employer/purchaser members to advance key initiatives. Together, they leverage their collective influence to drive health, equity and value.

When considering both clinical and financial outcomes, interventions with a whole person health lens can outperform organizational efforts that are more one-dimensional.
Margaret Rehayem
Vice President, National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions

Whole Person Health

Focusing on the interplay of multiple biological, psychological and social dimensions of health and wellbeing.

Employers and other healthcare purchasers play a vital role in helping employees and their families meet today’s challenges in achieving whole person health and wellbeing to improve financial, clinical and quality-of-life outcomes.

The National Alliance is providing support to employers/purchasers and coalitions to identify opportunities to accelerate adoption of whole person health and better achieve improved and equitable outcomes across the health ecosystem.

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