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Who We Are

The National Alliance is the only nonprofit, purchaser-aligned coalition with a national and regional reach. The breadth and diversity of our talent pool across the coalition network aligns to amplify the collective voice of the employer/purchaser and accelerate improvements in health, equity and value across the country.

Our strategic focus

Key areas of focus are shaped by input from all member groups and the employer/purchaser community.

Representing the collective purchaser voice

Once under-represented in boardrooms and across the nation, healthcare purchasers are tapping into coalition membership to optimize their combined influence. A shared agenda enables development and rollout of market- and policy-based strategies that drive equitable, value-based care.

View our fact sheet to learn more about who we are.

Learn more about the National Alliance

Stay up-to-date with the National Alliance:


Delivery and Payment Reform


Health Policy


Whole Person Health

Together we lead, leverage, and localize

Define and drive healthcare value

Bringing together coalitions and employers/purchasers to develop strategies that drive better health, equity and value in care delivery that leads to better outcomes.

Assess and improve the market

Using assessment tools, networks and best practices to help coalitions and purchasers leverage their collective influence.

Engage and enable purchasers

Taking action on market- and policy-based strategies that drive value-based care.

Partner with and influence stakeholders

Convening diverse thought leaders to accelerate healthcare marketplace improvements.

Continually connect and learn

Offering an array of in-person and virtual learning and networking events to connect healthcare change agents.
There are countless opportunities for our coalition community to leverage local and national strategies to dramatically improve health equity and value. It’s exciting work that is quickly picking up long overdue momentum.
Christina Bell
National Alliance Director of Healthcare Advancement

Market- and policy-based strategies to drive value-based care

For over 30 years, the National Alliance has brought together coalitions and their employer/purchaser members to develop strategies that improve healthcare nationwide. Members represent private and public sector, nonprofit, and Taft-Hartley and union organizations that provide health benefits for more than 45 million Americans spending over $400 billion annually.

National Alliance members:

Collaborate to assist employer-members in driving improvements in healthcare value and overall employee wellbeing.

Network with peer coalitions through common interest forums to grow and enhance their thought leadership, programming, and ability to serve their members.

Influence and align on regional and national healthcare policy relevant to purchasers.

Participate in national grants, programs and initiatives, as appropriate.

Tap into, co-sponsor, and distribute National Alliance resources and materials.

Email or call 202-775-9300 with membership inquiries.

Spring-Summer 2024 Update

Shawn Gremminger, President and CEO

Interested in joining the National Alliance?

There are many opportunities for professionals from across the healthcare system to become involved in efforts to drive health, equity and value locally, regionally, and nationally.