
Webinar: Implications for Employers of Supreme Court Decision Ending Chevron Doctrine


On Friday, June 28, 2024, the Supreme Court issued a landmark decision in two interlinked cases ending Chevron Doctrine and overturning a 40-year-old precedent, significantly weakening the regulatory power of federal officials. This decision is expected to have profound implications for the entire healthcare industry, with many current federal regulations governing self-insured health plans potentially under threat.

Women’s Health in the Workplace: How UI Affects Wellbeing


One in four women over age 18 lives with some form of urinary incontinence. This webinar offers insights into simple workplace accommodations and high successful non-surgical treatments for UI, enabling employers to boost the wellbeing of women at work.

Fiduciary Check-in Webinar: Uncovering Employer Contract Blind Spots


The fact that purchasers cannot see the contracts between providers and health plans poses a fiduciary risk. We will address the crucial topic of employer contract transparency and its profound implications on fiduciary responsibility. Learn what you can do to mitigate your organization's risk. REGISTER

Employer Case Studies: A Focus on Prevention, Vaccines and Misinformation


This webinar enables employers to get ahead of respiratory virus season with two employer case studies that highlight proactive measures proven to be successful in promoting prevention strategies, activating vaccination initiatives, and combating misinformation in the workplace. REGISTER

What does Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Mean for Employers?


Medicare drug price negotiation refers to the ability of the Medicare program to negotiate directly with pharmaceutical companies to lower the prices of prescription drugs. This policy, which has been […]