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What We Do

Defining purchaser expectations, leading a shared agenda, and managing substantive changes to achieve higher value in the healthcare marketplace.

Driving healthcare value across the marketplace

A value and policy agenda advanced via national initiatives lifts the collective voice and influence of private employers and public purchasers. With a framework rooted in the foundational areas of delivery and payment reform, health policy, and whole person health, National Alliance members and strategic partners are driving US healthcare system improvements together.

View our fact sheet to learn more about what we do.

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Key areas of focus are shaped by input from all member groups and the employer/purchaser community.

Delivery and Payment Reform

Key national initiatives of the Delivery & Payment Reform Advisory Committee help drive momentum in healthcare delivery and payment reform including hospital fair price, medical and pharmacy drug management, high-cost claims, advanced primary care, and the Path Forward for Mental Health and Substance Use.

Health Policy

Employers are the largest single provider and purchaser of health insurance in the US, covering nearly 50% of the nation’s population. The National Alliance Health Policy Strategy Group identifies initiatives and resources to amplify this purchasing power to improve health, equity and value. Learn more about EmployersRx and Fair Health costs, two key health policy initiatives.

Whole Person Health

The Whole Person Health Strategy Committee brings a focus to health and wellbeing strategies that promote the interconnectedness of the biological, psychological and social dimensions of individuals to support holistic, personalized, equitable programs and services for employees and their families.

Current initiatives include post COVID-19 post-emergency, health equity, mental health, obesity, and oncology. Coalition members are also addressing conditions such as musculoskeletal, low-back pain, cardiovascular health, maternal health, joint replacement, and more.
Membership in the National Alliance is a catalyst for coalitions and purchasers to leverage their collective influence, resulting in meaningful change in our healthcare system nationally and in markets across the US. I am always excited to contribute to moving the market toward value-based purchasing so purchasers can obtain the highest quality care at the most reasonable cost.
Cristie Travis
Co-CEO, HealthCareTN (Retired)