Mental Health – Old
The National Alliance is a leading voice on future directions in mental health, standing in solidarity with coalitions, employers, and other healthcare purchasers and allies who are committed to facing the systemic US mental health shortcomings head-on.

Workplace Mental Health
Integrating Care to Advance Whole Person Health
The mental health of employees has a direct impact on healthcare costs and, with coexisting chronic conditions, employers need to adopt the best strategies to ensure access, quality and affordability.
In addition to being a founding member of The Path Forward for Mental Health and Substance Use, the National Alliance, coalitions, employers, and other mental health advocates are working together to address MH/SU challenges and issues at the national level.
Mental Health Resources
Mental health conditions cost employers more than $100 billion and 217 million lost workdays each year, in addition to the cost of coexisting chronic conditions and productivity losses. These resources offer guidance to employers as they address workforce mental health issues.
National Alliance Announces 2025 Federal Policy Priorities to Offer Relief for America’s Employers and Working Families
National Alliance Affiliate Member Newsletter: January 2025
Employers outline health priorities under Trump
How a Company Makes Millions Off a Hospital Program Meant to Help the Poor
Show us Your Prices | Predictions for 2025
How Can Employers Manage Rising Healthcare Costs in 2025?
Where smaller PBMs are headed this year
The 2025 BenefitsPRO health benefits predictions almanac
Colorado to consider state rules on massive federal 340B drug-pricing program
How Can Self-Insured Employers Identify Ways to Rein in Healthcare Costs?
- Final Report
Addressing today’s mental health challenges with a meaningful, proactive approach that meets the needs of racially, ethnically, culturally diverse employees is possible. This report features a transformative mental health initiative, […]
The Pulse of the Purchaser study gauges concerns and approaches of employers to address the workforce environment; whole person health, equity, women’s health, mental health and obesity management; fiduciary perspectives; pharmaceutical […]
Today, more employers report investing in employee mental health, demonstrating financial returns when a thoughtful, effective mental health strategy closes access gaps and improves outcomes for employees.
Removing disparities between physical and mental health benefits requires continuous multi-stakeholder collaboration to drive actions and accountability to close gaps in care. Learn how employers and other healthcare purchasers can […]
Coalitions In Action
Membership in the National Alliance is a catalyst for state and regional coalitions and their employer/purchaser members to advance key initiatives. Together, they leverage their collective influence to drive health, equity and value.
Northeast Business Group on Health
Mental health is a top concern for NBGH members, who receive information and guidance to navigate challenging times. From digital tools and solutions, to pandemic issues, to serving as one of eight Regional Employer-Stakeholder Engagement Teams (RESET) in the US, NBGH is contributing to building a culture of mental wellness.

MidAtlantic Business Group on Health
As part of the MABGH Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention Initiative, the five leading health plans in the DC metro area are working together with local high-volume emergency departments and trauma centers to increase routine alcohol screening, brief intervention, and treatment. MABGH also serves as a RESET Region for The Path Forward for Mental Health and Substance Use.
Related News & Resources
- National Alliance In The News, Press Releases