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PBMs Protecting Members
Working with your PBM to minimize member risk and cost.
Facilitator: Clare Hunter, Arxcel
Clare is an experienced clinical pharmacist with expertise in navigating the world of prescription benefits and managed care pharmacy, with 10+ years experience in the managed care industry via pharmacy benefit management, community pharmacy, and third-party administrators.
Creating a Value-Based Pharmacy Network
Because patients interact with pharmacists up to 12 times a year, pharmacists are well positioned to make meaningful impacts for patients.
Learn how PBMs can tie payments to patient outcomes and make providers more accountable for driving quality and cost efficiencies.
Reducing Readmissions
Unnecessary hospital readmissions lead to both unnecessary health issues and expense: for both purchasers and patients.
Learn how a PBM pharmacist can help bridge the gap between inpatient (hospital) and outpatient (health plans, PCPs) services where many medication related issues occur. This team-based approach between payer and prescriber can ensure appropriate therapy and follow-up for discharged patients that resulting in reduced readmissions.
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