Letter to HELP Committee regarding pricing practices of GLP-1s

Employers and purchasers are struggling to afford coverage of GLP-1s to treat obesity for their employees and dependents. To provide access to these drugs for those most in need, many employers have experimented with “middle ground” approaches, including only covering drugs for people with higher body-mass indexes, requiring plan enrollees receiving the drugs to engage in health coaching or other behavior modification programs, etc. Unfortunately, some employers that have tried these policies have seen their PBM-negotiated rebates withdrawn – effectively increasing the per-unit price of the drugs by 50% or more.

National Alliance President and CEO Shawn Gremminger and ERIC President and CEO James Gelfand submitted the following letter to urge the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions to consider policies to make GLP-1s more broadly available to patients.

Media Contact

Cary Conway
Email: cconway@nationalalliancehealth.org
Telephone: 972.649.4707