Fair Health Costs – Old


The Fair Health Costs Initiative is an Arnold-Ventures-backed effort by the National Alliance and Purchaser Business Group on Health (PBGH) to mobilize employer purchasers, educate policymakers, and advocate for public policies to reduce healthcare prices.

Fair Health Costs

Mobilizing Employer Purchasers, Educating Policymakers, Advocating for Public Policies

The cost of healthcare in the US is unaffordable for families and employers, and health outcomes are poor. High health benefit costs come at the expense of core business investments and hold down wages, dampen business growth, and squeeze family budgets. Fair Health Costs is working to reduce healthcare prices.

Fair Health Resources

These resources can be used by business coalitions, employers, and allies to raise awareness of critical issues affecting the cost of healthcare. Join the conversation.


Communications Toolkit

These helpful resources include fact sheets, talking points, and social media posts and graphics.
Blog Series

The Real Cost of Healthcare

This blog series explores the outsized role of hospital pricing in rising healthcare costs, and the market and legislative fixes necessary to reduce unsustainable cost increases for American businesses and families.

Coalitions In Action

Membership in the National Alliance is a catalyst for state and regional coalitions and their employer/purchaser members to advance key initiatives. Together, they leverage their collective influence to drive health, equity and value.

Related News & Resources